
This online documentation covers version 1.3.0.

Context-sensitive help not available

Context sensitivity for the online help is disabled in PrintShop Mail Connect, meaning that all links and F1 calls currently point to the introductory page of the help. Context sensitivity will be re-introduced in a subsequent release of PrintShop Mail Connect. Please see the sections below to search the help.

Searching this guide

Because on release day, contextual help is unavailable, every call to the help system leads to this page. As such, this section groups some tips and tricks to find the appropriate page that will provide the help you need.

Using the Search box

At the top of this page is a search box where you can type in any term you like. To get the best result, typing either the title of the page you seek help on, or the name of any control (option, drop-down, checkbox) on that page. Because every dialog and every control in the software is documented and some dialogs are similar, you may get many results, but the result should be there.

Using the Table of Contents

On the left of this page, is the Table of Contents. It is a hierarchical (tree) view of each page in the documentation, divided into chapters. Other than the Setup and configuration chapter, each other chapter is about a specific PrintShop Mail Connect modules: Designer and Output.

Icons used in this guide

Some icons are used throughout this guide in order to catch your attention to certain particular information.


This icon shows you something that complements the information around it. Understanding notes is not critical but may be helpful when using PrintShop Mail Connect.


This icon shows information that may be critical when using PrintShop Mail Connect. It is important to pay attention to these warnings.


This icon shows technical information that may require some technical knowledge to understand.

Table of Contents



