Boolean data type

Booleans are a simple True/False data type often used in conditions and comparisons.

Defining Boolean Values:

  • Pre-Processor: Specify the "Type" as "Boolean" and set a default value of either true; or false;

  • Extraction: Specify the "Type" as "Boolean". The field value must be true or false.

  • JavaScript Expression: Set the desired value to either true; or false;
    Example: record.fields["isCanadian"] = true;

The value must be true , all in lowercase. Any variation in case (True, TRUE) will not work.

Boolean Expressions

Boolean values can also be set using an expression of which the result is true or false. This is done using operators and comparisons.

Example: record.fields["isCanadian"] = (extract("Country") == "CA");


For more information on JavaScript comparison and logical operators, please see or

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