Currency data types

A signed, numeric, fixed-point 64bit number with 4 decimals. Values range from -922 337 203 685 477.5808 to 922 337 203 685 477.5808 . This data type is routinely used for financial calculations: it is as precise as integers.

Defining Currency Values

  • Pre-Processor: Specify the "Type" as "Currency" and set a default value as a number with up to 4 decimal points, such as 546513.8798
  • Extraction: Specify the "Type" as "Currency" and configure how the value will be read from the Source Record (see Extract Step). The field value will be extracted and treated as a float.

  • JavaScript Expression: Set the desired value to any float value.
    Example: record.fields["PreciseTaxSubtotal"] = 27.13465;

While currency values can be set to up to 4 significant digits, only 2 are displayed on screen.

Building Currency Values

Currency values can be the result of direct attribution or mathematical operations just like Integer and Float values.

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