Extractor Pane

The Extractor pane displays each step of the workflow of which the primary goal is to extract data from the data sample.

Step Manipulation

  • Adding a Step: To add steps to the extractor, use the Toolbar buttons or create the steps from the Data Viewer.
  • Removing a Step: To remove a step, right-click on the step and click Delete step or use the Delete step button in the Toolbar. If the step is a Repeat or Condition, all steps under it are also deleted.
    Currently there is no Undo and Redo feature in the DataMapper module. Deleting steps is permanent!
  • Moving a step: To move a step, right-click on the step and click Cut Step or use the Cut Step button in the Toolbar. If the step is a Repeat or a Condition, all steps under it are also placed in the clipboard. If there is already a step in the clipboard, it will be overwritten. To place the step at its destination, right-click the step in the position before the desired location and click Paste Step, or use the Paste Step button in the toolbar.
    You can also use Drag & Drop to move steps.
  • Copying a step: To copy a step, right-click on the step and click Copy Step or use the Copy Step button in the Toolbar. If the step is a Repeat or a Condition, all steps under it are also placed in the clipboard. If there is already a step in the clipboard, it will be overwritten. To place a copy of the step at its destination, right-click the step in the position before the desired location and click Paste Step, or use the Paste Step button in the toolbar.
  • Viewing step details: To see details for the step, click on the step to show its properties in the Step Properties Pane. Hovering over the task shows a tooltip that displays some of the details as well as the property name and comment.

Table of Contents



