Data Model Pane

The Data Model Pane displays the Extracted Record, all its fields as well as any detail tables present in the Extracted Record. The information shown is the extracted information for the current record within the Record Set. It is also used as a navigation tool between records and all tables.

Data is displayed as a tree view, with the root level being the Record table, levels below it being detail tables, and any level below being called Nested Tables.

Adding Data

Beyond the methods for adding data described in the Steps Pane and the Data Viewer, there is a specific way to add an Extract Step directly into the Data Model pane, which is drag & drop: Dragging a data selection (text and PDF) or a field (CSV, XML and Database) into the Data Model pane will automatically add the appropriate extraction method into a specific location. There are some specific tricks and limitations, however:

  • If no Extract Step is currently selected in the Steps Pane, a new Extract Step is created. If an Extract Step is selected, new Extract Fields are added to this existing step.
  • Dragging a data selection or fields into a specific level of the Data Model (Record or detail tables) will add the fields to that level.
  • When dragging data into a detail table, the Extract Step must be located within the appropriate Repeat Step, otherwise the extract will not function properly.
  • If a Data Model is loaded into the Data Model Pane, when dragging named fields (CSV, XML, Database), if a field of the same name exists in that level, the extract field extract the data to that field, otherwise it creates a new one.
  • Dragging a single field onto a Data Model field will extract to that field regardless of name.

Modifying the Data Model

It is possible to modify the fields within the Data Model pane, effectively generating data models, even if no data is present in the pane. To do this, use the contextual menu within the pane itself. The following options appear depending on the selected line when right-clicking:

  • Add a field: Click to add a new field at the current level (record or table). Enter the field name in the dialog and click OK to add it.
  • Add a table: Click to add a new table at the current level (record or existing table). Enter the table name in the dialog and click OK to add it.
  • Rename: Click to rename the selected table or field. Enter the new name and click OK to rename. Only available for empty Data Model Fields (see below) tables that only contain them.
  • Delete: Click to delete the selected table or field. Only available for empty Data Model Fields or tables that only contain them.
  • Set Type: Use the list to select which the field type (see Data Types). Only available for empty Data Model Fields or tables that only contain them.
  • Default Value: Click to set the default value for empty Data Model Fields. This value is used if no extraction is present, or if an extraction attached to this field returns no value.

Field Display

Fields in the Data Model pane are displayed in specific ways to simplify comprehension of the display data:

  • Value: The current value of the extracted field, based on the current Source Record.
  • The column on the left displays the name of the field. The column on the right displays the extracted data if it exists.
  • The column on the right displays the current value of the extracted field based on the current Source Record, when an Extract Step has an extraction for this field.
  • The icon to the left of the name indicates the Data Type of the field (see Data Types).
  • A field name with an asterisk to the right indicates that this field is part of an imported Data Model file (called a Data Model Field).
  • A field with a grey background indicates this Data Model Field does not have any attached extracted data.
  • A field with a white background indicates that the field has attached extracted data but the step extracting the data is not currently selected.
  • A field with a blue background indicates that the field has attached extracted data and the step extracting the data is currently selected.

Record Navigation

Records can be navigated directly from the Data Model Pane. The default Record level navigates between records both in the Data Model pane and the Data Viewer, while each table has a similar navigation that influence that table and each under it.

The Navigation Bar:


  • Expand/Contract: Click to hide or show any fields or tables under the current table level.
  • Table Name: Displays the name of the table as well as the number of records at that level (in [brackets]). At the Record level this is the number of Source records. In other levels it represents the number of entries in a table.
  • First Entry: Click to jump to the first record or table entry.
  • Previous Entry: Click to go back one record or table entry.
  • Current Entry: Displays the current record or table entry.
  • Next Entry: Click to go forward one record or table entry.
  • Last Entry: Click to jump to the last record or table entry.

Working with Data Models

Within the Data Model pane, data model files can be exported using the current structure, or imported in order to simplify the extraction process.

Importing and Exporting Data Models is done from within the Data model Pane, using the top-right icons.

Rules for importing:

  • Imported Data Model Fields always overwrite existing field properties if the field name is identical. Non-existent fields are created automatically with the appropriate field settings. The import is case-insensitive, so fields with a different case will be ignored.
  • All data model fields are tagged with the Asterisk (*). If overwriting an existing data model, existing data model fields that are not in the imported data model file will have their asterisks removed.

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