Text Data Viewer

The Text data viewer displays the text-based contents of the Data Sample that is currently active within the data mapping configuration in a grid-like fashion, with each character in the file being in a separate grid position.

Data Viewer Controls

The following controls appear at the top of the Data Viewer:

  • Fonts: Use the drop-down to change the font used to display text. Useful for double-byte data. It is recommended that monospace fonts be used.
  • Hide/Show line numbers: Click to show or hide the line numbers on the left of the Data Viewer.
  • Hide/Show datamap: Click to show or hide the icons to the left of the Data Viewer that displays how the steps affect the line.
  • Hide/Show extracted data: Click to show or hide the extraction selections indicating that data is extracted. This simplifies making data selections in the same areas and is useful to display the original data.
  • Lock/Unlock extracted data: Click to lock existing extraction selections so they cannot be moved or resized. This simplifies making data selections in the same area.
  • Zoom Level: Use the arrows to adjust the zoom level, or type in the zoom percentage.
  • Zoom In: Click to zoom in by increments of 10%
  • Zoom Out: Click to zoom out by increments of 10%

Creating a data selection

Selecting data is done by clicking on a starting character within the grid, keeping the mouse button down, dragging to the end character and releasing the button. This creates a data selection that can contain multiple lines.

Manipulating a data selection

Once created, data selections can be modified and moved. Moving a new data selection can be done directly if the data selection is new. Data selections that are attached to a field extraction in an Extract Step can also be modified by double-clicking on the data selection in the Data Viewer and then modifying the data selection.


  • Moving: To move a data selection, click and hold anywhere on the data selection, move it to its new desired location and release the mouse.
  • Resizing: To resize a data selection, click and hold on one of the resize handles on the borders or corners, move them to the new size and release the mouse.

Creating Steps from a data selection

When a new data selection is made in the Data Viewer, create your data selection and select which step to add based on that data selection. There are 3 methods to add the appropriate step:

  • Click on the appropriate step button in the Toolbars.
  • Use the appropriate keyboard shortcut (F6 to F11)
  • Right-click on the data selection and select the appropriate step.

Available Steps:

  • Extract Step: Extracts data from the data selection. If the selection contains multiple fields, rows, columns or lines, each element creates a distinct Extract Field and displays the extracted value in a field in the Record Pane.
  • Goto Step: Moves the pointer to the beginning of the data selection. If the selection contains multiple fields, rows or lines, the topmost element is used for the new pointer location.
  • Condition Step: Creates a condition using the currently selected data. For instance, selecting a dot(.) will make the condition True whenever the dot is found on the line. Note that conditions are done on the current line, either the current cursor position, or the current line in a Repeat step.
  • Repeat Step: Creates a loop using the currently selected data. The repeat starts at the current pointer location and continues until the last line, row or node of the data selection.

    If an XML node that has children is selected, and the pointer is currently at this node, creating a repeat step will loop on that node.

  • Add Extract Field: Only active when an Extract Step is currently selected in the Extractor Pane. Adds the currently selected data locations to the Extract Step as new Extract Fields. If the selection contains multiple fields, rows, columns or lines, each element creates a distinct Extract Field and displays the extracted value in a field in the Record Pane.
  • Action Step: Creates an Action step.

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