PDF Extraction Properties


This section is collapsed by default in the interface in order to give more screen space to the important parts.

Name: The name of the step. This name will be shown on top of the step's icon in the Extractor Pane.

Description: The text entered here gives more details on the step and will be displayed in the tooltip appearing when hovering over the step in the Extractor Pane.

Extraction Definition

  • Data Table: Defines where the data will be placed in the Extracted Record. The root table is "record", any other table becomes a detail table. For more information see detail tables.
  • Append values to current record: When the Extract Step is within a loop, check this to ensure that the extraction will be done in the same detail line as any previous extractions within the same loop. This ensures that, if multiple extracts are present, only one detail line is created.

Field List

The Field List displays each of the single fields that are being extracted in a drop-down. Fields can be re-ordered and re-named within the Ordering and Renaming Fields dialog.

  • Add Extract Field: Click to add a new extract field. By default, the field will be a JavaScript-defined field rather than a data extraction (see Field Definition), of String data type.
  • Remove Extract Field: Click to delete the selected extract field from the list.
  • Order and Rename Fields: Click to open Ordering and Renaming Fields.

Field Definition

This section is how the Extract Field that is currently selected in the Field List is defined.

  • Add Unique ID to extraction field: Check to add a unique numerical set of characters to the end of the extracted value. This ensures no two values are identical in the Record Set.
  • Based on: Determines the origin of the data.
    • JavaScript: The result of the JavaScript Expression written below the drop-down will be the value of the extracted field. If the expression contains multiple lines, the last value attribution (variable = "value";) will be the value. See JavaScript API.
      • Use JavaScript Editor: Click to display the Script Editor dialog.
    • Location: The contents of the data selection set below will be the value of the extracted field. The data selection settings are different depending on the data sample type.
      • Left: Defines the start of the data selection to extract.
      • Right: Defines the end of the data selection to extract.
      • Top offset: The offset from the current pointer location in the Data Sample.
      • Height: The height of the selection box.
      • Use selection: Click to use the value of the current data selection for the extraction.
        If the selection contains multiple lines, only the first line is selected.
      • Post Function: Enter a JavaScript expression to be run after the extraction. For example replace("-","") would replace a single dash character inside the extracted string.
      • Trim: Select to trim empty characters at the beginning or the end of the field.

Data Format

The data format defines the precise format of some of the variable types, such as dates and currencies.

  • Integer
    • Negative Sign Before: Adds a negative (-) sign before negative values in the Extracted Record.
    • Thousand Separator: Adds the selected character between each thousand position (for example, "1,000,000")
  • Float
    • Negative Sign Before: Adds a negative (-) sign before negative values in the Extracted Record.
    • Decimal Separator: Determines the character to use for decimal values, generally a dot (.).
    • Thousand Separator: Adds the selected character between each thousand position (for example, "1,000,000")
  • Currency
    • Negative Sign Before: Adds a negative (-) sign before negative values in the Extracted Record.
    • Currency Sign: Determines the character to add before the value in the Extracted Record.
    • Decimal Separator: Determines the character to use for decimal values, generally a dot (.).
    • Thousand Separator: Adds the selected character between each thousand position (for example, "1,000,000")
  • Date
    • DateTime Format: Determines how the date is read. The format written here needs to correspond with the format in the data selection.
    • Language: The language in which the date is written, when relevant. Useful when months or days are written alphabetically.

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