Database and ODBC Settings

The following settings apply to any Database and ODBC Data Sample.


  • Connection String: Displays the connection string used to access the Data Source.
  • Browse: Opens the Edit Database configuration dialog, which can replace the existing database data source with a new one. This is the same as using the Replace feature in the Data Samples window.
  • Table: Displays the tables and stored procedures available in the database. The selected table is the one the data is extracted from.
  • Custom SQL: Click to open the SQL Query Designer and type in a custom SQL query.
  • Encoding: Defines what encoding is used to read the Data Source ( US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE ).


  • Record Limit: Defines how many Source Records are displayed in the Data Viewer. This does not affect output production, as generating output ignores this option. To disable the limit, use the value "0".
  • Line Limit: Defines the limit of detail lines in any detail table. This is useful for CSV files with a high number of detail lines, which in the DataMapper interface can slow down things. This does not affect output production, as generating output ignores this option. To disable the limit, use the value "0".
  • Split: Defines the type of rule that defines when a boundary is created, establishing a new record in the Data Sample (called a Source Record).
    • Record(s) per page: Defines a set number of lines in the CSV file that go in each Source Record
      • Records: The number of records to show in each Source Records.
    • On Change: Defines a new Source Record when a specific field has a new value.
      • Field Name: Displays the fields in the CSV line. The selected one's value determines new Boundaries.
    • On Script: Defines the boundaries using a custom user-defined JavaScript. For more information see JavaScript API.

Data Samples

The Data Samples box displays all the data sources that have been imported into the data mapping configuration. Right-clicking in the box brings up a control menu:

  • Add: Used to add a new Data Sample from an external Data Source. The new Data Sample will need to be of the same data type as the current one. For example, you can only add PDF files to a PDF data mapping configuration. In version 1.3 and higher, multiple files can be added simultaneously through the Add dialog.
  • Remove: Removes the current Data Sample from the data mapping configuration.
  • Replace: Opens a new Data Sample and replaces it with the contents of a different data source.
  • Reload: Click to reload the currently selected Data Sample and get any changes that have been made to it.
  • Set as Active: Activates the selected Data Sample. The active data sample is shown in the Data Viewer after it has gone through the Preprocessor Step as well as the Delimiter and Boundary settings.

External JS Libraries

External JS libraries included in the Settings Pane can add more JavaScript functionality to your data mapping configuration. Any functions included in the JS library will be available in Preprocessor scripts, as well as Action tasks, Post Functions and JavaScript-based extraction steps.

For example let's take the following JavaScript file, for example:

function myAddFunction(p1, p2) {
    return p1 + p2;

If this is saved as myFunction.js and imported, then the following would work anywhere in the configuration:

var result = myAddFunction(25, 12); // returns 37!

The External JS Libraries box displays all the libraries that have been imported into the data mapping configuration. Right-clicking in the box brings up a control menu, also available through the buttons on the right:

  • Add: Used to add a new external library. Opens the standard Open dialog to browse and open the .js file.
  • Remove: Removes the currently selected library from the data mapping configuration.
  • Replace: Opens a new library and replaces it with the contents of a different js file.
  • Reload: Click to reload the currently selected library and get any changes that have been made to it.

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