PDF Goto Properties


This section is collapsed by default in the interface in order to give more screen space to the important parts.

Name: The name of the step. This name will be shown on top of the step's icon in the Extractor Pane.

Description: The text entered here gives more details on the step and will be displayed in the tooltip appearing when hovering over the step in the Extractor Pane.

Extraction Definition

  • Scope: Defines the scope of the jump
    • Measures: Jumps uses distances on the page.
    • Pages: Jumps between pages or to a specific page.
    • Next line: Jumps to the next line in the page.
  • Mode: Defines what type of jump to make:
    • Jump N elements: Jumps the specified measure or number of pages in the data sample.
    • Jump to: Jumps directly to the specific measure or page in the data sample.
  • Page Number: Defines which page to jump to.
  • Elements to skip: Defines how many pages to skip.
  • Value top: Defines the top coordinates where to jump to.
  • Use page width: With the "Next Line" scope, seeks lines anywhere on the page. Unchecking this option will have the lines only correspond when the text fits within the parameters set after:
    • Left: The beginning of the area to look for lines.
    • Right: The end of the area to look for lines.

Table of Contents



