XML Goto Properties


This section is collapsed by default in the interface in order to give more screen space to the important parts.

Name: The name of the step. This name will be shown on top of the step's icon in the Extractor Pane.

Description: The text entered here gives more details on the step and will be displayed in the tooltip appearing when hovering over the step in the Extractor Pane.

Extraction Definition

  • Mode: Defines what type of jump to make:
    • Sibling element: Jumps the number of siblings (nodes at the same level) defined in the Move by option.
    • Same name Sibling: Jumps the number of same name siblings (nodes at the same level of which the node is the same name) defined in the Move by option.
    • Element, from top of record: Jumps to the specified node. The XPATH in the Absolute XPATH option starts from the root node defined by /.
    • Element from current position: Jumps to a position relative to the current position of the cursor. The XPATH in the Relative XPATH option defines where to go, ../ goes up a level, ./ refers to the current level.
    • Level Up/Down: Jumps up or down one node level (up to the parent, down to a child). The number of levels to change is defined in the Move by option.

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