Generate Counter Wizard

The Generate Counter wizard creates a record set where each record contains a "counter" field contains the current counter value for each record, starting and stopping at set values and incremented by a set value also. It is useful for numbered tickets or any other template requiring sequential numbers.

  • Starting Value: The starting number for the counter. Defaults to 1.
  • Increment Value: The value by which to increment the counter for each record. For example, an increment value of 3 and starting value of 1 would give the counter values of 1, 4, 7, 10, [...]
  • Number of records: The total number of counter records to generate. This is not the end value but rather the total number of actual records to generate.
  • Padding character: Which character to add if the counter's value is smaller than the width.
  • Width: The number of digits the counter will have. If the width is larger than the current counter value, the padding character will be used on the left of the counter value, until the width is equal to the set value. For example for a counter value of "15", a width of "4" and padding character of "0", the value will become "0015".
  • Prefix: String to add before the counter, for example, adding # to get #00001. The prefix length is not counted in the width.
  • Suffix: String to add after the counter. The suffix length is not counted in the width.

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