JDBC Database Settings

To create a JDBC database data mapping configuration, the following steps are involved. Since JDBC can connect to multiple types of databases, a specific database driver and path to this driver's JAR file must be specified:

  • Start by opening the Creating a New Data Mapping Configuration wizard.
  • In the list, select Data mapping Configuration -> Databases -> JDBC and click Finish.
  • Confirm the Database type is set to JDBC.
  • Set the following properties in this dialog:
    • JDBC Driver: Use the drop-down to select which JDBC Driver to use for the database connection.
    • JAR file path: Enter a path to the JAR file that contains the appropriate driver for the database below.
    • Server: Enter the server address for the database server.
    • Port: Enter the port to communicate with the server.
    • Database name: Enter the exact name of the database from where the data should be extracted.
    • User: Enter a username that has access to the server and specified database. The user only requires Read access to the database.
    • Password: Enter the password that matches the username above.
    • Advanced mode: check to enable the Connection String to manually enter the database connection string.
      • Connection string: Type or copy in your connection string.
  • Optionally, click Test configuration to verify that the database can be accessed.
  • Click OK to close the dialog and open the actual data mapping configuration (See Creating the Data Mapping Workflow).

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