ODBC Database Settings

In current versions of PlanetPress Connect, connections may be unstable if connecting to a database through an ODBC data source. The error (Microsoft)(ODBC Driver Manager) Invalid string or buffer length is randomly raised in the UI. This occurs mostly with MSSQL ODBC drivers but might occur in others. To work around this problem, always use either the database-specific connection, or use the JDBC driver instead.

To create an ODBC database data mapping configuration, the following steps are involved:

  • Start by opening the Creating a New Data Mapping Configuration wizard.
  • In the list, select Data mapping Configuration -> Databases -> ODBC and click Finish.
  • Confirm the Database type is set to ODBC.
  • Set the following properties in this dialog:
    • ODBC Datasource: Use the drop-down to select an ODBC System Datasource. This must be a data source that has been configured in the 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator, as PlanetPress Connect is a 64-bit application and thus cannot access 32-bit data sources.
    • This ODBC Source is MSSQL: Check this option if the ODBC source is MSSQL (SQL Server). The options below appear:
      • Windows Authentication: Select to use the Windows User and Password that is used by the Connect Service.
      • SQL Server Authentication: Select to use the username and password set below to connect to the SQL Server:
        • User name: Enter the SQL Server username.
        • Password: Enter the password for the above username.
  • Click Finish to close the dialog and open the actual data Mapping configuration (See Creating the Data Mapping Workflow).

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