PDF/VT Data Mapping Wizard

To create a PDF/VT File data mapping configuration, the following steps are involved:

  • Start by opening the Creating a New Data Mapping Configuration wizard.
  • In the list, select Data mapping Wizards -> From PDF/VT and click Next.
  • Browse to the PDF/VT File you want to open, then click Next.
  • In the PDF/VT Metadata page, select the following options:
    • Metadata record levels: Use the drop-down to select what level in the metadata defines a Source Record.
    • Field List: This list displays all fields in all levels of the PDF/VT metadata.
      • Checkmark: Check any field to add it to the extraction.
      • Record Level: Displays the level on which the field is located.
      • Property name: Displays the field names to extract.
  • Click Finish to close the dialog and open the actual data Mapping configuration (See Creating the Data Mapping Workflow).

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