Adding data from a File Data Source

It is possible to add data directly from a File Data Source and display a record set in PlanetPress Connect Designer without the use of a Data Mapping Configuration.

To add data from a File Data Source:

  • In the Menus, go to File, Add Data, From file Data Source...
  • In the Open Data Sample File , browse to the location of the file. Only three data types are accepted: CSV, MDB and PDF/VT.
  • Click Open on the data file.
  • The following options depend on the type of data file.

CSV File Options:

    • On the first screen, choose the proper settings::
      • Browse to the CSV File you want to open.
      • Encoding: Choose the correct encoding to read the file.

      • Take a look at the preview to ensure that the file is the right one and the encoding correctly reads the data.

      • Click Next

    • On the second screen, choose the proper settings:
      • Note that these settings are generally detected automatically.
      • Separator: Defines what character separates each fields in the file.
      • Comment Delimiter: Defines what character starts a comment line.

      • Text Delimiter: Defines what character surrounds text fields in the file, preventing the Field Delimiter from being interpreted within those text delimiters.

      • Ignore Unparsable Lines: Ignores any line that does not correspond to the settings above.

      • First row contains field names: Uses the first line of the CSV a headers, which automatically names all extracted fields.

    • Verify that the data is read properly and click Finish.

MDB File Options:

  • Enter the appropriate information to connect to the database:
    • Filename: Browse to your Microsoft Access database file (.mdb)
    • Password: Enter a password if one is required.
  • Click Next and enter the information for the source table.
    • Connection string: Displays the full path to the database.
    • Table: Use the drop-down to select the appropriate table or stored query to retrieve the appropriate data set.
    • Encoding: Use the drop-down to select the encoding with which to read the data in the table.
  • Click Finish to save the configuration.

PDF/VT File Options:

  • Browse to the PDF/VT File you want to open, then click Next.
  • In the PDF/VT Metadata page, select the following options:
    • Metadata record levels: Use the drop-down to select what level in the metadata defines a Source Record.
    • Field List: This list displays all fields in all levels of the PDF/VT metadata.
      • Checkmark: Check any field to add it to the extraction.
      • Record Level: Displays the level on which the field is located.
      • Property name: Displays the field names to extract.
  • Click Finish to close the dialog and open the actual Data Mapping configuration (See Creating the Data Mapping Workflow).

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