Form Builder

The Form Builder dialog adds a form to the page including all specified fields. When the form is added to the page, validation scripts are added to the Web Context. Note that once the form builder is closed, it is not possible to modify the form using the builder again. To modify the form, it is necessary to delete the form and use the builder again, or to modify the HTML code directly in the Source view of the Workspace.

  • General Group:
    • ID: Enter a unique identifier for the form element. Used for CSS selections as well as JavaScript expressions affecting single elements.
    • Class: Enter one or more classes that can be common to more than one elements. Used for CSS selections and JavaScript expressions that can affect multiple elements.
    • Action: Enter the URL where the form data should be sent. The URL should be a server-side script that can accept form data.
    • Method: Select whether the form should be sent using GET or POST method.
    • Encryption Type (enctype): Use the drop-down to select the form's encryption type:
      • application/x-www-form-urlencoded: Default. All characters are encoded before sent (spaces are converted to "+" symbols, and special characters are converted to ASCII HEX values).
      • multipart/form-data: No characters are encoded. This value is required when you are using forms that have a file upload control.
      • text/plain: Spaces are converted to "+" symbols, but no special characters are encoded.
    • Validation:
      • Standard: Check to use the Standard validation method, which uses Connect-specific JavaScript verification scripts.
      • Custom: Check to disable Connect-specific JavaScript verification. User-create scripts must be used instead.
  • Fields Group: Displays the form fields that will be added in the form. Fields are added in the order defined in the list. Fields are added and modified using their own individual dialogs.
    • Label: Displays the label content (text shown besides the field identifying what is expected of the person filling the form).
    • Type: The type of field: Text, Email, URL, Password, Number, Date, Text Area, Hidden, Label, Checkbox, Radio Button, Select or Button.
    • Required: Whether the field is required or not.
    • Add: Click to add a new field. Clicking displays a menu with all the types of fields available. Click on the desired field type to display its properties dialog:
      • Text: Add a simple text field accepting any alphanumerical characters.
      • Email: Add a text field accepting only email addresses in a valid format.
      • URL: Add a text field accepting only URLs (web page address) in a valid format.
      • Password: Add a password field accepting any alphanumerical characters. When typing, characters are shown as asterisks only.
      • Number: Add a text field accepting only numbers.
      • Date: Add a text field accepting only dates in a valid format.
      • Text Area: Add a text area, a multi-line text field accepting multiple paragraphs of text.
      • Hidden: Add a hidden field which can contain specific data used by the server-side script.
      • Label: Add a text label displaying informative text within the form. Labels are non-interactive.
      • Checkbox: Add a checkbox that can be checked. This sends a true/false information to the server.
      • Radio Button: Add a radio button. Multiple radio buttons in the same group only accept one option to be selected.
      • Select (dropdown): Add a drop-down with multiple entries. Only one option can be selected.
      • Button: Add a button that can be clicked.
    • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected field from the list.
    • Move Up: Click to move the currently selected field up one position.
    • Move Down: Click to move the currently selected field down one position.

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