Validation Settings

The Validation Settings dialog modifies existing form's field validation settings. Double-click any field in the list to edit its properties.

  • General Group:
    • ID: Enter a unique identifier for the form element. Used for CSS selections as well as JavaScript expressions affecting single elements.
    • Action: Enter the URL where the form data should be sent. The URL should be a server-side script that can accept form data.
    • Method: Select whether the form should be sent using GET or POST method.
  • Validation Group:
    • Standard: Check to use the Standard validation method, which uses Connect-specific JavaScript verification scripts.
    • Custom: Check to disable Connect-specific JavaScript verification. User-create scripts must be used instead.
  • Fields Group: Displays the form fields that will be added in the form. Fields are added in the order defined in the list. Fields are added and modified using their own individual dialogs.
    • Label: Displays the label content (text shown besides the field identifying what is expected of the person filling the form).
    • Type: The type of field: Text, Email, URL, Password, Number, Date, Text Area, Hidden, Label, Checkbox, Radio Button, Select or Button.
    • Required: Whether the field is required or not.

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