Number Field

Number Field properties:

  • General Group:
    • Label: Enter the text that is displayed adjacent to the field, indicating to the expected information from the web page visitor.
    • Submit Name: Enter a name for the field, which will identify it to the receiving server-side script.
    • Placeholder: Enter text to display inside the field. This text disappears when the visitor clicks inside the field to type their own data.
  • Validation Group:
    • Required: Check if the field is required to submit the form. If a field is required but contains no data, the JavaScript Validation shows a message to the user.
    • Minimum Length: Enter a numerical value for the minimum character length required for this field.
    • Maximum Length: Enter a numerical value for the minimum character length accepted for this field.
  • Warnings Group:
    • Custom message: Enter a custom message to display to the visitor if the entered data does not validate.

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