Password Field

Password Field properties:

  • General Group:
    • Label: Enter the text that is displayed adjacent to the field, indicating to the expected information from the web page visitor.
    • Submit Name: Enter a name for the field, which will identify it to the receiving server-side script.
    • Placeholder: Enter text to display inside the field. This text disappears when the visitor clicks inside the field to type their own data.
  • Validation Group:
    • Required: Check if the field is required to submit the form. If a field is required but contains no data, the JavaScript Validation shows a message to the user.
    • Minimum Length: Enter a numerical value for the minimum character length required for this field.
    • Maximum Length: Enter a numerical value for the minimum character length accepted for this field.
    • Equal to: Use the drop-down to select another field that is already added. Both field contents must match for the data to be validated. This is useful for "confirmation" fields such as passwords, emails, etc.
  • Warnings Group:
    • Custom message: Enter a custom message to display to the visitor if the entered data does not validate.

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