Script Generators

Script Generators are simplified interfaces for common scripts in Templates.

These are the different Script Generators that are available.:

  • Text Script: The default script that is created when a Record Field is dragged on to the page.
  • Dynamic Image Script: This script can be added and, providing it refers to an image by selector, can dynamically change the image for each record.
  • Email To Script: This script is automatically added on any new Email template or Context and defines the email address where each record output is sent.
  • Email Subject Script: This script can be added to Email contexts and defines the subject of the email that is sent.
  • QR Code Script: This script controls the contents of QR Code Objects.

  • Pie Chart Script: This script controls the contents of Pie Chard Objects.

Here are the options visible in Script Generators:

  • Name: The name of the script, making it easier to identify it.
  • Find: The Selector or Text to apply the result of the script to.
  • Selector: Uses CSS selectors to find the element to which the script applies
  • Text: Uses text as a trigger for the script. The script applies to all instances of the text found in the template.
  • Wizard Results: Displays a list of the data that is sent to replace the result of the script:
    • Prefix: Static text to use before the set field. For example in Dynamic Image scripts, the default prefix is images/.
    • Field: A drop-down to select which field contents to use in the script. Note that only fields from the Record tab are displayed, not from any detail tables.
    • Format: A special formatting modifier applied to the Field. Currently the format function must be typed in manually. Two format functions are available (note that function names are case sensitive):
      • toUpperCase : Changes all letters in the Field's value to uppercase.
      • toLowerCase : Changes all letters in the Field's value to lowercase.
    • Suffix: Static text to use after the set field. For Dynamic Image Scripts, the default suffix is .jpg and refers to the file extension.
  • [+] : Adds a new line to the Wizard Results. Note that by default there is no line return between fields in the list. Adding <br> in the Suffix or Prefix field can establish a line return.
  • [-] : Removes the currently selected line in the Wizard Results list.
  • Arrow Up: Moves the currently selected line up one position.
  • Arrow Down: Moves the currently selected line down one position.
  • OK: Click to save any changes made to the script, apply the changes in the template, and close the dialog.
  • Cancel: Click to close the dialog without saving changes.
  • Expand: Click to convert the script generator to a regular script. Note that this action is not reversible.
  • Apply: Saves changes made to the script and applies the changes in the template without closing the dialog.

Table of Contents



