Send COTG Test

The Send COTG Test dialog is used to send a document to the Capture OnTheGo application, without the need to go through the Output to Capture OnTheGo task in PlanetPress Workflow.

The dialog is only available on templates containing a Web context. It does not, however, verify whether any Capture OnTheGo form elements have been added to the page.

The dialog contains the following options:

  • General group:
    • Store ID: The Nu-Book Store ID, where the document metadata transits. Please note that to the contrary of the Send to Capture OnTheGo task, the contents of the file is sent to the Nu-Book server.
    • Password: The password to the above Nu-Book Store.
    • Recipient(s): The username(s) that should receive the document. One or more emails, separated by a comma.
    • Category: The category under which the document appears. If the category does not exist, it will be created on the server.
  • Document Information group:
    • Title: The title that appears both on the Nu-Book management interface, as well as on the Capture OnTheGo application on the mobile device. Defaults to the name of the template and the currently active section.
    • Author: The name of the author or company.
    • Description: The title that appears both on the Nu-Book management interface, as well as on the Capture OnTheGo application on the mobile device when looking at the document's details.

Table of Contents



