Web Section Properties

The Web Section Properties defines some of the web page properties, especially details appearing in the header.

Properties Tab

  • Section Group:
    • Name: Enter the name of the Section in the Web Context. This has no effect on output.
    • Page Title: Enter the title for the page. This is the contents of the <title> HTML tag.
    • Shortcut Icon: Enter the path to the favicon.ico file, for instance images/favicon.ico. If a valid favicon image is dragged to the Web Section, it will automatically be set as a shortcut icon.
  • Meta Information Group: This lists all <meta> tags that are added to the header of the HTML file generated in the output. For more information on <meta> tags, see W3Schools - HTML meta tag.
    • Type: Select the type of <meta> tag. This is either name or http-equiv.
    • Value: Enter the value of the <meta> tag, for instance when name is selected, this could be keywords or description.
    • Content: Enter the desired contents of the <meta> tag.
    • Add: Click to add a new <meta> tag. to the list.
    • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected <meta> tag.
    • Move up: Click to move the currently selected <meta> tag up one position.
    • Move down: Click to move the currently selected <meta> tag down one position.

Includes Tab

This tab defines what other resources are included in the output

  • Stylesheets: What CSS stylesheets to use in producing the output. Stylesheets are loaded in the order shown, and styles in later Stylesheets overwrites earlier ones when the same selector is used.
  • JavaScript (Web and Print only): Which JavaScript resources are included in the HTML header of the web output.
  • Up: Move the selected StyleSheet or JavaScript up in priority.
  • Down: Move the selected StyleSheet or JavaScript down in priority.

Table of Contents



