Cleanup Service Preferences

The Cleanup Service defines how entities in the Connect Server Module are cleaned up when they have been left unused. The values below only define when the specified objects are set for deletion, not when they are actually deleted. Items are only deleted when the cron job runs on its schedule, or when the Run Now button is pressed in this dialog.

  • Enable cleanup service: Check to enable the cleanup service Uncheck to disable it.
  • Run at application start up: Click to start the service when the Designer or DataMapper module is opened.
  • Run according to the cron schedule: Enter the interval at which the cleanup service runs. To know how to write the schedule, please refer to the Quartz Scheduler reference page.
  • Object Retention group:
    • Minimum time to retain Data Sets: The minimum time during which a Data Set (and all its contained records) is kept in the database before being set for deletion.
    • Minimum time to retain Content Sets: The minimum time during which a Content Set (and all its contained content items) is kept in the database before being set for deletion.
    • Minimum time to retain Job Sets: The minimum time during which a Job Set (and all its contained jobs) is kept in the database before being set for deletion.
    • Minimum time to retain Managed Files: The minimum time during which files such as data mapping configurations and templates are kept in the database before being set for deletion.
    • Allow orphan file cleanup: Check to automatically detect orphan files and set them for deletion. Orphan files can be resources, and internal files used by Connect.
    • Minimum time to retain orphaned temp files: The minimum time during which orphaned files are kept in the database before being set for deletion.
    • Allow orphan database entity cleanup: Check to automatically detect orphan database entities and set them for deletion. Orphaned database entities are entries in the database that are no longer being referred to by any other entity (for example a record that is not part of a record set).
    • Minimum time to retain orphaned database entries: The minimum time during which orphaned database entities are kept in the database before being set for deletion.

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