Stylesheet Editor

The Stylesheet Editor is used to edit CSS Stylesheet resources. For the time being, only two contexts are editable: Global (context_all_styles.css , which by default applies to all contexts) and Print (context_print_style.css , which by default applies to the print context only).

  • Context: Use the drop-down to select a specific context such as Print or Global (all contexts). Selecting a context shows all it's CSS rules in the Rule List.
  • Show: Use the drop-down to select whether to show all CSS rules or limit to certain types: Class, ID or Element rules.
  • Rule List: Displays the list of rules in the currently selected stylesheet.
  • Rule Display: Displays the contents of the currently selected rule in the Rule List.
  • New: Click to create a new rule with the Edit Rule dialog.
  • Edit: Click to edit the currently selected rule in the Rule List using the Edit Rule dialog.
  • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected rule in the Rule List.
  • Duplicate: Click to create a duplicate of the currently selected rule in the Rule List using the Edit Rule dialog. The default name for the new rule is the name of the current one plus "-duplicated".
  • Move Up: Move the currently selected rule in the Rule List up one position in the list.
  • Move Down: Move the currently selected rule in the Rule List down one position in the list.
  • Save: Click to save all changes to the stylesheet and close the dialog.
  • Cancel: Click to close the dialog without saving any changes.

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