Dynamic Table

A Dynamic Table is a table with a variable number of rows that can overflow on one or more pages. Dynamic tables are only available when the Record Set contains one or more detail tables.

A dynamic table is added using the following way:

  • In the Toolbars, click on Insert detail table... , or click the Insert menu, Table, then Dynamic...
  • In the first window, enter the table's desired attributes:
    • ID: Enter a unique identifier for the table. IDs are used to access the table from Scripts and CSS selectors.
    • Class: Enter a class identifier for the table. Classes can be shared between elements and are used to access the table from Scripts and CSS selectors.
    • Detail Table: Use the drop-down to select which of the detail table to display within the dynamic table.
    • Width: Enter the width of the table. The color value must be a valid HTML Color Name, or a valid HTML Hex Color.
    • Insertion Point group:
      • Location: Use the drop-down to select where the element will be inserted.
        • At cursor position: The element is inserted where the cursor is located in the template.
        • Before element: The element is inserted before the current element where the cursor is located. For example if the cursor is within a paragraph, insertion occurs before the <p> tag.
        • After start tag: The element is inserted within the current element, at the beginning, just after the start tag.
        • Before end tag: The element is inserted within the current element, at the end, just before the end tag.
        • After element: The element is inserted after the current element where the cursor is located. For example if the cursor is within a paragraph, insertion occurs after the <p> tag.
      • Elements: Use the drop-down to select which element is used for the insertion location. The list displays every element in the breadcrumbs, from the current selection point until the root of the body.
  • In the columns window, select which fields of the detail table to show. The order of the fields indicates in which order columns are displayed in the dynamic table, from left to right.
    • Columns: Displays each field of the selected detail table as well as their data type. Click each field to display in the table.
    • Placeholder: Displays the default placeholder name used in the table. Click to change the placeholder text.
    • Type: Displays the field type for each field in the table.
    • Select All: Click to check all the fields in the Columns window.
    • Deselect All: Click to uncheck all the fields in the Columns window.
    • Up: Click to move the selected field up one position.
    • Down: Click to move the selected field down one position.
  • In the subtotals window, use the following options to control subtotals, transport and header lines:
    • Calculate Subtotals: Check to enable the rest of the options, enabling subtotal display as well as footer and header options.
      • Column: Click to select which field contains the currency value used to calculate the subtotal of the table. This field is generally the result of item prices multiplied by the quantity.
      • Field name: Type the name to display in the footer when displaying that page's subtotal.
      • Show in footer: Check to display the subtotal in the footer at the bottom of each page.
      • Show in header (transportline): Click to display the subtotal of the previous page at the top of the table.
  • In the last window, select the styling attributes.
    • Style: Use the drop-down to select the desired table style.
  • Click Finish to add the table at the current location of the pointer in the Section.

When a dynamic table is added, a script is also created for each of the columns containing a field to be replaced. These scripts are placed inside a folder named after the table's ID.

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