Creating a new Email Template

When creating a new email template, the following options are available.

  • Subject: The default subject of the email when it is sent out using the Send Email or Send Test Email dialogs. The subject can be changed dynamically using an Email Subject Script Generator.
  • General group:
    • Layout: Select the default layout that will be added to the Email Context. This only defines a starting point, as the layout can be edited manually once the template is created.
    • Header area: Check to add a box on top of the columns, useful for header text or images.
    • Footer area: Check to add a box at the bottom of the columns, useful for footer text or images.
    • Width: Enter the desired width of the layout, including the side-bar.
    • Flexible Width: Check to disabled "Width" and make the layout stretch horizontally to fit contents.
    • Minimum: Enter the minimum width of the layout when the Flexible Width option is checked.
    • Background: Enter a color for the page background (not the layout's main column which has a white background by default). The color value must be a valid HTML Color Name, or a valid HTML Hex Color.
  • < Back: Click to return to the previous screen.
  • Finish: Click to close the wizard and create the template with the above settings.
  • Cancel: Click to close the wizard without creating the template.

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