Creating a new Print Template

When creating a new print template, the following options are available.

  • General group:
    • Page size: Click the drop-down to select a default page size from a list of common paper sizes. Changing the Width or Height setting automatically sets the page size to Custom.
    • Orientation: Click to select either a Portrait or Landscape orientation for all sections created.
    • Width: Enter a custom width for the page, or leave the default that is set by the Page Size.
    • Height: Enter a custom height for the page, or leave the default that is set by the Page Size.
    • Sections: Enter a number of sections to add within the Print template. See Sections for more information.
    • Simplex: Check for single-sided output. Uncheck for duplex printing.
  • Margins group: This group defines the margins for the sections added within the print context. Note that this does not affect Master Page margins.
    • All Sides: Check to define all margins identically using the Top value.
    • Top: The margin at the top of the page where contents is not printed.
    • Left: The margin at the left of the page where contents is not printed.
    • Bottom: The margin at the bottom of the page where contents is not printed.
    • Right: The margin at the right of the page where contents is not printed.
  • Bleed group: This group defines the bleeds for the sections added within the print context.
    • All sides: Check to define all bleeds identically using the Top value.
    • Top: The bleed at the top of the page.
    • Left: The bleed at the left of the page.
    • Bottom: The bleed at the bottom of the page.
    • Right: The bleed at the right of the page.
  • < Back: Click to return to the previous screen.
  • Finish: Click to close the wizard and create the template with the above settings.
  • Cancel: Click to close the wizard without creating the template.

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