Send to Workflow/Files

The Send to Workflow screen sends templates, data mapping configurations and print presets to the PlanetPress Workflow server, or saves it as a package file. Note that package files cannot be loaded from PlanetPress Workflow at the moment.

  • Files to Package group:
    • Template: Select the template to send. By default the currently active template is listed. Click Browse to select another template. In version 1.3 you may select more than one template in the Browse dialog, and each of them is sent to Workflow or added to a package file.
    • Data mapping configuration: Select the data mapping configuration to send. By default the current configuration is listed. Click Browse to select another configuration. In version 1.3 you may select more than one configuration file in the Browse dialog, and each of them is sent to Workflow or added to a package file.
    • Job Creation Preset: Use the dropdown to select a Job Creation Preset to send. Click Browse to select a preset that is not in the default save location.
    • Output Creation Preset: Use the dropdown to select an Output Creation Preset. Click Browse to select a preset that is not in the default save location.
  • Destination group:
    • Send files to: Use the dropdown to select where to send the files.
      • Workflow machines: Send the files to a PlanetPress Workflow installation. This lists all the detected PlanetPress Workflow installations detected on the network.
      • File...: Click to save the files as a package. This package can be loaded within the Workflow tool.

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