Box Formatting

The Text Formatting dialog is accessible by clicking inside of a positioned box in the template then going in the Format menu, then Box...

Box Tab

  • General group:
    • Width: Set the width of the box in measure or percentage. Equivalent to the width property.
    • Height: Set the height of the box in measure or percentage. Equivalent to the height property.
    • Angle: Set the rotation angle of the box in clockwise degrees. Equivalent to the transform:rotate property.
    • Corner radius: Set the radius of rounded border corners in measure or percentage. Equivalent to the border-radius property.
    • Display: Use the drop-down or type in the value for how to display the box. Equivalent to the display property.
    • Overflow: Use the drop-down or type in the value for how to handle overflow (text that does not fit in the current size of the box). Equivalent to the overflow property.
  • Text wrap group:
    • Float: Use the drop-down or type in the value for how to float the box, if the box is not in an absolute position. Equivalent to the float property.
    • Clear: Use the drop-down or type in the value for clearing pre-existing alignments. Equivalent to the clear property.
  • Positioning:
    • Position: Use the drop-down or type in the value for the type of positioning for the box. Equivalent to the position property.
    • Top: Set the vertical offset between this box and its parent's top position. Equivalent to the top property.
    • Left: Set the horizontal offset between this box and its parent's left position. Equivalent to the left property.
    • Bottom: Set the vertical offset between this box and its parent's bottom position. Equivalent to the bottom property.
    • Right: Set the horizontal offset between this box and its parent's left position. Equivalent to the right property.
    • Z-index: Set the z-index of the box, defining on which layer it appears.  Equivalent to the z-index property.

Background Tab

  • General group:
    • Color: Specify the color of the box background.  The color value must be a valid HTML Color Name, or a valid HTML Hex Color. Equivalent to the background-color property.

Spacing Tab

  • Padding group: Defines padding (spacing inside the element) in measure or percentage:
    • All sides: Check to set all padding to use the Top value. Equivalent to the border property.
    • Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Set padding for each side. Equivalent to the border-left, border-top, border-right and border-bottom properties.
  • Margin group: Defines margins (spacing outside the element) in measure or percentage:
    • All sides: Check to set all margins to use the Top value. Equivalent to the margin property.
    • Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Set the margin for each side. Equivalent to the margin-left, margin-top, margin-right and margin-bottom properties.

Border Tab

  • Same for all sides: Defines the border properties for all sides using the Top properties. Equivalent to the border property.
  • Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Each group defines the following properties:
    • Width: Specify the thickness of the border. Equivalent to the border-width property.
    • Style: Specify the style of the border such as solid, dashed or dotted. Equivalent to the border-style property.
    • Color: Specify the color of the border.  The color value must be a valid HTML Color Name, or a valid HTML Hex Color. Equivalent to the border-color property.

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