Email Section Properties

Properties Tab

The properties for an Email section are minimal and contain the following options:

  • Name: Enter the name of the Section in the Email Context. This has no effect on output.
  • Subject: Enter a name for the default Subject of any email sent out. This is superseded by the Email Subject Script Generator when it is present.

Includes Tab

This tab defines what other resources are included in the output

  • Stylesheets: What CSS stylesheets to use in producing the output. Stylesheets are loaded in the order shown, and styles in later Stylesheets overwrites earlier ones when the same selector is used.
  • JavaScript (Web and Print only): Which JavaScript resources are included in the HTML header of the web output.
  • Up: Move the selected StyleSheet or JavaScript up in priority.
  • Down: Move the selected StyleSheet or JavaScript down in priority.

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