Print Section Properties

The Section Properties dialog is separated in a few separate tabs depending on the Context in which it resides:

General tab (all Contexts)

  • Section group:
    • Name: The name of the Section.
    • Show PDF data mapping input as background image: Check this option to display each page of a PDF data source when using a PDF data mapping configuration. Each page of the PDF is shown, separated by the appropriate records. Note that as many pages as there are in the PDF will be created in the section.
  • Page group:
    • Size: The named page size.
    • Width: The width of the page.
    • Height: The height of the page.
    • Portrait: Whether the page is portrait (otherwise, it's landscape).
  • Margins group: Defines the margins where contents will not appear on the page.
    • All sides: Check to use the same margin setting for all sides. Note that this will copy the Top value to all margins, overwriting existing values.
    • Top: The top margin.
    • Left: The left margin.
    • Bottom: The bottom margin.
    • Right: The right margin.
  • Bleed group: This group defines the bleeds for the sections added within the print context.
    • All sides: Check to define all bleeds identically using the Top value.
    • Top: The bleed at the top of the page.
    • Left: The bleed at the left of the page.
    • Bottom: The bleed at the bottom of the page.
    • Right: The bleed at the right of the page.

Includes Tab

This tab defines what other resources are included in the output

  • Stylesheets: What CSS stylesheets to use in producing the output. Stylesheets are loaded in the order shown, and styles in later Stylesheets overwrites earlier ones when the same selector is used.
  • JavaScript (Web and Print only): Which JavaScript resources are included in the HTML header of the web output.
  • Up: Move the selected StyleSheet or JavaScript up in priority.
  • Down: Move the selected StyleSheet or JavaScript down in priority.

Finishing tab

This tab defines finishing options for this section when it is printed.

  • Binding group:
    • Style: What type of binding to request on the printer. This includes Stapled, Glued, Stitched, etc.
    • Side: On which side the binding occurs, such as Bottom, Left, top, etc.
    • Location: The location of the binding, such as Saddle, Side, Corner, etc.
    • Angle: If the binding should be done horizontally, vertically, or at an angle.
    • Item count: When certain binding styles are selected which require multiple items (such as Stapled or Stiched), use the Count option to specify the number of items the printer should use, or select Default to let the printer decide how many items to use.
    • Area: [TBD]
  • Hole making group:
    • Number of holes: When certain binding styles are selected which require the printer to create holes in the paper, use this drop-down to select the number of holes that should be created, or use Default to let the printer decide.
    • Pattern Catalog ID: When the Number of Holes is not the default in the option above, use the drop-down to select the Pattern Catalog ID for the hole making.

Sheet Configuration Tab

This tab defines how different Print Context Sections output on different Media and using different Master Pages.

There are multiple groups, each defining the settings for individual position within the section as it outputs: First, Middle and Last sheet, as well as a group for Single sheets.

This tab contains the following options:

  • Duplex: Check to enable content to be printed on the back of each sheet. Your printer must support duplex for this option to work.
  • Tumble: Check to enable tumble mode so pages are duplexed as in a notebook (on Portrait output, this would be equivalent to short-edge duplex).
  • Same for all positions: Check to enable a single group below, which defines the same options for all positions in the document. If unchecked, individual position options are available.

The next options are identical for all positions, but of course only affects the position where you change the options:

  • Allow content on: Selects on which face of the sheet content is allowed. If "Front only" or "Back Only" is selected, the other page may contain a Master Page, but no contents will be printed on it. As such it does not count in the "Content Page Number" and "Content Page Count" markers which can be inserted via the Insert menu.
  • Media: Defines the media that is used. If the Media has Preprinted Media defined, the selected preprinted media image is shown as a background to each page that correspond to the media's sheet position.
    • Edit Script: Click to open a Script Editor dialog. The script defines what Media is used, so it can be dynamically defined using data from the source record or the extracted record.
  • Master Page Front: Defines the Master Page used for the front of the selected sheet's position. Disabled if "Back Only" is selected under Allow content on.
  • Master Page Back: Defines the Master Page used for the front of the selected sheet's position. Disabled if "Back Only" is selected under Allow content on, or if Duplex is unchecked.

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