Table Cell Formatting

Cell Tab

  • Width: Specify the width of the cell in measure or percentage.
  • Height: Specify the height of the cell in measure or percentage.
  • Vertical Align: Specify how text is vertically aligned in the cell: top, middle or bottom.

Type Tab

  • General group:
    • Font: Select the font used to display text, equivalent to the font-family property.

    • Size: Enter the size in measure, named size or percentage, equivalent to the font-size property.
    • Color: Select a named font color as defined in the Colors Editor, create a new color or enter a color manually for text to be displayed. The color value must be a valid HTML Color Name, or a valid HTML Hex Color. Equivalent to the color property.
    • Highlight Color: Select a named font color as defined in the Colors Editor, create a new color or enter a color manually for the background color of the element. The color value must be a valid HTML Color Name, or a valid HTML Hex Color. Equivalent to the backround-color property.
  • Spacing group:
    • Letter Spacing: Set the space between characters in a text in measure or percentage. Equivalent to the letter-spacing property.
    • Word Spacing: Set the space between each word in a text in measure or percentage. Equivalent to the word-spacing property.
    • Whitespace: Specify how to handle white spaces inside of an element. See CSS White-Space for details. Equivalent to the white-space property.
  • Style group: Check any option to apply the selected style to text within the element:
    • Bold: Sets font-weight to 700.
    • Italic: Sets font-style to italic.
    • Underline: Sets text-decoration to underline.
    • Strikethrough: Sets text-decoration to line-through.
    • Subscript: Sets vertical-align to super.
    • Superscript: Sets vertical-align to sub.
    • Capitalize: Sets text-transform to capitalize.
    • Uppercase: Sets text-transform to uppercase.
    • Lowercase: Sets text-transform to lowercase.
    • Small-caps: Sets font-variant to small-caps.

Spacing Tab

  • Padding group: Defines padding (spacing inside the element) in measure or percentage:
    • All sides: Check to set all padding to use the Top value. Equivalent to the spacing property.
    • Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Set padding for each side. Equivalent to the spacing-left, spacing-top, spacing-right and spacing-bottom properties.

Border Tab

  • Same for all sides: Defines the border properties for all sides using the Top properties. Equivalent to the border property.
  • Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Each group defines the following properties:
    • Width: Specify the thickness of the border. Equivalent to the border-width property.
    • Style: Specify the style of the border such as solid, dashed or dotted. Equivalent to the border-style property.
    • Color: Specify the color of the border.  The color value must be a valid HTML Color Name, or a valid HTML Hex Color. Equivalent to the border-color property.

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