Chart Script Generator

Here are the options visible in Chart Script Generator:

  • Name: The name of the script, making it easier to identify it.
  • Find: The Selector or Text to apply the result of the script to.
    • Selector: Uses CSS selectors to find the element to which the script applies.
    • Text: Uses text as a trigger for the script. The script applies to all instances of the text found in the template.
    • Selector and Text: Uses text as a trigger for the script but only applies to text within the specified Selector.
  • Input Type: Use the drop-down to select the source of the data to add to the Chart. The selection changes the options below:
    • Static Labels: Select to use a static number of data lines below. The chart will always have the same number of items.
      • Data List: Lists the data lines that are part of the Chart. Each line represents a section of the pie as well as a label if they are shown.
        • Labels: The text of the label to display next to the Chart or within the legends.
        • Values: The value that will be used to create the Chart. This is the name of a field within the Data Model.
      • Add: Click to add an entry to the Data List. Opens the Edit Label Properties dialog.
      • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected line in the Data List.
      • Move Up: Click to move the currently selected line up one position.
      • Move Down: Click to move the currently selected line down one position.
    • Dynamic Labels: Select to use data from a detail table to fill the Chart dynamically. At least one detail table must be available in the Data Model Pane for this option to be functional.
      • Details: Use the drop-down to select which detail table provides the data for the Chart.
      • Labels: Use the drop-down to select which field within the detail table contains the text for the labels shown in the Chart.
      • Values: Use the drop-down to select which field within the detail table contains the numerical values used to build the Chart.

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