Email Subject Script Wizard

The Email Subject Script Wizard defines the subject line of emails that are sent in Email Contexts. The result will appear in the email as the Subject line.

Here are the options visible in the Email Subject Script Generator:

  • Name: The name of the script, making it easier to identify it.
  • Find: The Selector or Text to apply the result of the script to. This option is read-only for this script.
  • Wizard Results: Displays a list of the data that is sent to replace the result of the script:
    • Prefix: Static text to use before the set field.
    • Field: A drop-down to select which field contents to use in the script. Note that only fields from the Record tab are displayed, not from any detail tables.
    • Format: A special formatting modifier applied to the Field. The available formatting functions depend on the field type in the data model. For example, text fields can be set to uppercase or lowercase. Date fields can be set to long and short dates or different time displays.
    • Suffix: Static text to use after the set field.
  • [+] : Adds a new line to the Wizard Results. Note that by default there is no line return between fields in the list. Adding <br> in the Suffix or Prefix field can establish a line return.
  • [-] : Removes the currently selected line in the Wizard Results list.
  • Arrow Up: Moves the currently selected line up one position.
  • Arrow Down: Moves the currently selected line down one position.
  • OK: Click to save any changes made to the script, apply the changes in the template, and close the dialog.
  • Cancel: Click to close the dialog without saving changes.
  • Expand: Click to convert the script generator to a regular script. Note that this action is not reversible.
  • Apply: Saves changes made to the script and applies the changes in the template without closing the dialog.

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