Script Properties

Scripts are used to modify the contents of the template, as its output is produced.

Here are the properties of a regular Script:

  • Name: The name of the script, making it easier to identify it.
  • Find: The Selector or Text to apply the result of the script to.
    • Selector: Uses CSS selectors to find the element to which the script applies.
    • Text: Uses text as a trigger for the script. The script applies to all instances of the text found in the template.
    • Selector and Text: Uses text as a trigger for the script but only applies to text within the specified Selector.
  • Expression: This box contains the script itself.
  • OK: Click to save any changes made to the script, apply the changes in the template, and close the dialog.
  • Cancel: Click to close the dialog without saving changes.
  • Apply: Saves changes made to the script and applies the changes in the template without closing the dialog.
In PlanetPress Connect Designer, scripts are built using the Connect JavaScript API. For more information, see JavaScript in Designer.

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