Pie Chart Formatting

The Pie Chart dialog appears when a Pie Chart object is right-clicked and the Pie Chart... option is clicked. It determines how the Pie Chart is displayed when generating output and in Preview mode.

General tab

  • Text Group: Determines how text is displayed in labels and legends.
    • Font: Type in the font-face to use to display text. The font must be installed on the system and defaults to Verdana if the font is not found. Equivalent to the font-family property.
    • Size: Type in the size of the font. For example, 12pt or 20px. Defaults to 11px. Equivalent to the font-size property.
    • Color: Type in the color in which to display text. The color value must be a valid HTML Hex Color. Equivalent to the color property.
  • Slice Colors Group: Determines which colors are used to display the Pie Chart.
    • Base Color: Enter a valid HTML Hex Color. When a Base Color is set, it is be the color of the first slice and all other slices are based on this color.
    • Brightness Step: Enter the amount of brightness to change on each new slice. Positive values increase brightness (max: 100), minimum values decrease brightness (minimum: -100). Default is 10.
    • Color Array: Enter a comma separated list of hex colors to specify the colors of the slices. If there are more slices than colors in this list, the chart picks random colors. Example: #FF3300, #FFFF00, #33CC33, #FFCC00
    • Gradient Ratio: Enter a start and end point for a gradient to be applied to each slice. Example: -0.5,0.5
  • Slice Outline Group: Determines whether an outline should be added to each slice of the chart.
    • Width: Use the drop-down to select the width of the outline for each pie slice. Value are 0pt, 0.5pt, 1pt, 1.5pt, 2pt or 3pt.
    • Color: Enter a valid HTML Hex Color for the outline to appear.
    • Opacity: Enter the opacity of the outline. 100 is fully opaque, 0 is transparent.

Pie tab

  • Pie Group: Defines how the pie chart is displayed in the template.
    • Automatically calculate radius: Check to automatically calculate the radius of the Pie Chart, determined by the size of the object it is contained in. The radius, by default, is 50% of the shortest length of the containing <div> object.
    • Radius: Enter the radius of the Pie Chart in percentage of the shortest length of the containing <div> object.
    • Hole Radius: Enter the radius of the center of the Pie Chart to remove, between 0% and 100%. The hole radius removes the center of the chart, creating a doughnut hole pie chart.
    • Start Angle: Enter the starting angle of the first slice of the chart, between 0 and 360. This essentially rotates the Pie Chart. Note that if a 3D effect is added to the chart, the only accepted values are 90 or 270 degrees.
  • 3D Group: Defines 3D effects of the Pie Chart.
    • Apply 3D effect: Check to enable the Pie Chart to be displayed in a 3D fashion.
    • Depth: Enter a numerical value for the thickness of the Pie Chart. Must be in steps of 10 (0, 10, 20, etc).
    • Angle: Enter the angle at which the Pie Chart is rotated to create the 3D effect. Default is 20 degrees of rotation.

Labels tab

  • Hide Labels: Check to disable the label's display.
  • Labels Group: Defines how the label text is shown.
    • Custom label text: Check to enable custom text for the labels. The default display is [[title]]: [[percents]].
    • Text: Enter the text to use to display labels. Variables can be used to display specific data, <br> can be used to create a new line:
      • [[title]] : Contains either the contents the Label column if Static Labels are used, or the Field Name if Dynamic Labels are used.
      • [[percents]] : Contains the percentage of the Pie Chart the value represents.
      • [[value]] : Contains the numerical value of the field.
      • Any Text: Adding text (such as a dollar sign or column, etc) will make it appear in each label.
    • Radius: Enter a numerical value representing the percentage of the Pie Chart's radius to add as a space between the pie and the labels. The value can be negative, in which case labels are shown within the Pie Chart. If a positive value is used, a line (called a "tick") from each slice of the pie to its label is added.
  • Tick Group: Defines how ticks (line between the Pie Chart and its labels) is shown.
    • Color: Enter a valid HTML Hex Color for the color of the tick.
    • Opacity: Enter a percentage of opacity for the tick to be displayed. Default 20 (20% opacity).
  • Grouping Group: Defines how smaller percentage are grouped together into an individual "Other" category.
    • Apply slice grouping: Check to enable grouping.
    • Less than %: Enter a percentage below which values are placed within the "Other" category.
    • Slice Title: Enter a name for the label of the "Other" category. Defaults to "Other".
    • Color: Enter a valid HTML Hex Color for the slice. Defaults to the colors set in the General tab.

Legend tab

  • Show Legends: Check to show the legends in the Pie Chart object.
  • Legend Group: Defines how the legends are shown.
    • Equal label widths: Check so that all labels are of equal width in the Legends box. The Legend's width will accommodate the largest value.
    • Position: Use the dropdown to select where the labels are shown: Right, Left, Top or Bottom.
    • Align: Use the dropdown to select how to align the text in the labels: Left, Middle or Right.
    • Horizontal Space: When multiple columns appear, enter a numerical value (in pixels) to define horizontal spacing between the columns.
    • Vertical Space: Enter a numerical value (in pixels) to define vertical spacing between legends.
    • Max Columns: Enter a numerical value to define the maximum number of columns allowed in the Legends box.
  • Values Group: Defines if and how values are shown in the Legends box.
    • Show Values: Check to show values besides the Legend's label.
    • Text: Enter the text used to display the values. Variables can be used to display specific data, <br> can be used to create a new line:
      • [[percents]] : Contains the percentage of the Pie Chart the value represents.
      • [[value]] : Contains the numerical value of the field.
      • Any Text: Adding text (such as a dollar sign or column, etc) will make it appear in each label.
  • Markers Group: Defines how the Legends Markers. Markers are icons with a color matching the Legend with its corresponding Pie Chart slice.
    • Type: Use the dropdown to select in which shape the Markers are displayed. "none" hides the Markers completely.
    • Size: Enter the size (in pixels) for the Markers to be displayed.
    • Label Gap: Enter the distance (in pixels) between the Markers and the Legends text.
    • Border Width: Use the drop-down to define the thickness of the border added to the Markers. Default is 0pt.
    • Border Color: Enter a valid HTML Hex Color for the border's color.
    • Border Opacity: Enter a numerical value between 0 and 100 to define the opacity (in percentage) of the border.

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