
Contexts are instances of a template that are each used to generate a specific type out output: Web, Email and Print. When creating a new template, the Context appropriate to that new template is automatically created. New contexts can be added once the template is opened.

Web Context

The Web context outputs an HTML web page that is generally displayed in a browser, often to a client. The web page generated by a Web context contains all the resources necessary to display it: HTML code, CSS Stylesheets, and JavaScripts.

In Web contexts, JavaScript files are added to the <head> in the generated HTML file and are useful to add special features such as those offered by jQuery and its plugins, or MooTools. Stylesheets are also added to the <head> and are used just as they would in a regular web page.

Templates using the Web Context can be used in an automated workflow using the Create Web Content task.

Email Context

The Email context outputs to an email client through the use of an email server, and is composed of only HTML code with embedded CSS. Since email clients are numerous and do not always have support for the same features, the HTML generated by this context is not optimized for any specific client - rather, it's meant to be compatible with as many clients as possible.

Email contexts do not use JavaScript resources. However, they do have the ability to include both a PDF version of a Print context and/or an integral HTML file generated by a Web Context, which are included as attachments to the email.

Print Context

The Print Context outputs print documents either to a physical printer or a PDF file. The format and size of the page are set in the Section Properties, while the Master Pages and preprinted Medias are set in the Sheet Configuration.

When Print Contexts are executed, the main page flow contents and the pagination are generated, and then any JavaScript files that are included within this context (in the Section Includes dialog) are run, which can affect the output.

Table of Contents



