
HTML Snippets

Snippets are pieces of content that can be re-used within the same template, in all contexts and sections. Snippets can contain any contents that a section can have, such as text, images, variable data, dynamic tables, etc.

When a snippet is added to a section or a master page, a reference to it is placed in the source code, but the contents of the snippet itself is not added to the page. Modifying a snippet from where it has been added actually modified the snippet's source. If a snippet is used in multiple locations (such as different contexts), modifying one instance will modify all of them at once.

When a snippet is added to different sections or contexts, its contents is affected by the section's or context's stylesheet. This means that the same content can appear differently depending on the styles applied to it, but it remains the exact same contents.

JSON Snippets

JSON Snippets are pieces of JSON data. JSON Snippets cannot be inserted inside contents, but can be accessed from Scripts using loadjson():

var json_data = loadjson("snippets/snippet.json");

Table of Contents



