Additional Text Settings

The Additional Text Settings dialog displays the property of text added in the Text and Barcode Options page.

  • Position group:
    • Orientation: Use the drop-down to select the orientation of the text added to the page.
    • Left: Enter the distance between the left margin of the page and the text, in inches (in).
    • Bottom: Enter the distance between the bottom margin of the page and the text, in inches (in).
  • Font group:
    • Font Name: Use the drop-down to select which font to use for the text. The drop-down displays all the fonts installed on the system.
    • Font Size: Enter the font size in pt or use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the font size.
    • Bold: Check to make the text bold in the output.
    • Italic: Check to make the text italic in the output.
  • Text: Enter the text that appears on the page in the determined location.
    • Add: Click to display a list of variable data that can be added to the text. This includes metadata fields added in the Metadata Options, as well as some information fields.
  • Condition: Enter the condition by which the text is shown on the page.
    • Add: Click to display a list of metadata fields, information fields to add, or common expressions to the condition.

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