Email Output

Email Output can be generated in two different ways. In both cases, email is sent in a single batch for the whole record set.

Generating email Output from Connect Designer

  • Have a Template loaded with an Email Context.
  • Load a Record Set compatible with this template.
  • Click Send Email or Send Test Email in the Menus.
  • Fill in the dialog and send the emails.

Generating Email Output from PlanetPress Workflow

  • Open a template with an Email Context.
  • Send it to PlanetPress Workflow using the Package Files dialog.
  • Create a process in PlanetPress workflow containing at least the following steps:
    • Any input that will capture a job file that is compatible with the data mapping configuration that is used.
    • An Execute Data Mapping task to generate a valid record set.
    • A Create Email Content task with the appropriate settings.

In order for an email context to be able to work, an Email To Script Generator must be available in the template and refer to a valid email address. If any record does not have a valid email, this record is skipped automatically when generating email output.

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