Text and Barcode Options

The text and barcode options are used to add static or variable text and barcodes when generating output. This is useful when driving custom processes or machines using barcodes, or providing additional information with text.

Additional Text

Additional text is added at specific positions. This dialog displays all the configured additional text settings:

  • Left: Displays the distance between the left margin of the page and the text.
  • Bottom: Displays the distance between the bottom margin of the page and the text.
  • Orientation: Displays the orientation of the text.
  • Text: Displays a preview of the text contents.
  • Condition: Displays a preview of the condition.
  • Add: Click to open the Additional Text Settings dialog to add a new text entry.
  • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected text entry.
  • Edit: Click to edit the currently selected text entry using the Additional Text Settings dialog.
  • Duplicate: Click to create a copy of the text entry.

Additional Barcodes

Additional barcodes are added at specific positions. This dialog displays all the configured additional barcode settings:

  • Left: Displays the distance between the left margin of the page and the barcode .
  • Bottom: Displays the distance between the bottom margin of the page and the barcode .
  • Orientation: Displays the orientation of the barcode .
  • Type: Displays the type of barcode that's added.
  • Text: Displays a preview of the barcode contents.
  • Condition: Displays a preview of the condition.
  • Add: Click to open the Additional Barcode Settings dialog to add a new barcode entry.
  • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected barcode entry.
  • Edit: Click to edit the currently selected barcode entry using the Additional Barcode Settings dialog.
  • Duplicate: Click to create a copy of the barcode entry.

Table of Contents



