Send Email

The Send Email dialog is used to generate mail output and send it to each recipient in the Record Set.

Options for this dialog:

  • From group:
    • Name: Enter the name that should appear when sending emails. The name is optional.
    • Email: Enter the email address that will appear as a Sender to the email recipient. A single email address should be written.
  • Records group:
    • All: Select to send to all records in the Record Set.
    • Selection: Select this open and enter a range of records that should be sent.
  • Attachments:
    • Print context as PDF: If a Print Context exists in the template, its output will be generated and a PDF version of it will be attached to the outgoing email.
    • Web Page context as HTML: If a Web Page Context exists in the template, its output will be generated as a single HTML file with all required resources embedded in the file. This HTML file is then added as an attachment to the outgoing email.
  • Outgoing mail settings:
    • Presets: Use the dropdown to select a preset. These presets are configured in the Email (SMTP) Preferences.
    • Host: The SMTP server through which the emails are to be sent. Can be a host ( or an IP address.
    • Use authentication: Check if a username and password are needed to send emails through the host.
    • Start TLS: Enabled if authentication is checked. Sends emails through Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is sometimes referred to as SSL.
    • User: Enter the username used to connect to the SMTP server.
    • Password: Enter the password for the above username.

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