Send Test Email

The Send Email dialog is used to generate mail output of a certain number of records and send them to one or more specified recipients.

Options for this dialog:

  • From group:
    • Name: Enter the name that should appear when sending emails. The name is optional.
    • Email: Enter the email address that will appear as a Sender to the email recipient. A single email address should be written.
  • To group:
    • Email address(es): Enter one or more email addresses where the test emails are sent. Multiple emails can be separated by semicolons (;), and can be in the same format as above. Note that every email here will receive all the emails for the record-range below.
    • Use Litmus: Check to also send the emails to the Litmus test email set in the Email (General) Preferences dialog. Disabled if no Litmus email is set.
  • General:
    • Record Range: Enter the range of records that should be sent. Removing the range disables ranges and sends emails to all records in the record set.
    • Send all to sender: Check to send all the emails to the sender instead of to the assigned recipients. Note that this option is superseded by the Send Test Email dialog and will disappear in the future.
  • Attachments:
    • Print context as PDF: If a Print Context exists in the template, its output will be generated and a PDF version of it will be attached to the outgoing email.
    • Web Page context as ZIP archive: If a Web Page Context exists in the template, its output will be generated as an HTML file and all required resources, zipped and attached to the outgoing email.
  • Outgoing mail settings:
    • Host: The SMTP server through which the emails are to be sent. Can be a host ( or an IP address.
    • Use authentication: Check if a username and password are needed to send emails through the host.
    • Start TLS: Enabled if authentication is checked. Sends emails through Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is sometimes referred to as SSL.
    • User: Enter the username used to connect to the SMTP server.
    • Password: Enter the password for the above username.

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