Inserter Options

The Inserter Options page shows inserter options specific to the inserter selected in the Printed Output dialog. Options selected here influence the position of the marks as set in the next page.

  • Model: Use the drop-down to select any previously loaded HCF file, or use the Browse button to select and HCF file to load. An image representing the folder-inserter is displayed under the list.
  • Options Group:
    • Mark Configuration: Use the drop-down to select the type of marks to add, such as "OMR - Basic" or "OMR - Selective + Integrity".
    • Fold Type: Use the drop-down to select the type of fold to apply to the paper.
    • Print marks on back: Check to place the Inserter Marks on the back of the page.
  • Clear Background Area: Check to add a white background to the OMR, preventing any background colors or elements to interfere with the OMR Marks when they are read.
  • Margins:
    • Same for all sides: Check so that the Left margin is used on all sides identically.
    • Left, top, right, bottom: Enter a measure for the margin on each of the 4 sides of the OMR Marks.

Table of Contents



