Printed Output

When using the File -> Print option, the Print Configuration dialog appears. This dialog uses both Output Creation presets and Job Creation presets in order to generate output. To learn how to create presets please see Job Creation Presets and Output Creation Presets.

  • Configuration Selection Group
    • Output Creation: Use the drop-down to select existing Output Creation Presets. Use the Gear button to edit the currently selected preset or to reload the list of presets from the system.
    • Job Creation: Use the drop-down to select existing Job Creation Presets. Use the Gear button to edit the currently selected preset or to reload the list of presets from the system.
    • Preset Summary: Displays a summary of the settings for the currently selected presets. The default presets are PDF Output.
  • Records Group
    • All: Select to output all records.
    • Custom sorting and filtering: Select to use the Sorting and Filtering  options as set in the selected Job Creation preset.
    • Selection: Select to use a custom record selection. You can specific individual records separated by semi-colons (;) or ranges using dashes. For example, 2;4;6-10 would print pages 2,4,6,7,8,9 and 10.
  • Copies Group:
    • Copies: Enter the number of copies for each record.
    • Collate: If printing multiple copies, check to indicate if pages should be put together (1-1-2-2-3-3, etc).
  • Options Group:
    • Use grouping, splitting and slip sheets: Check to use grouping options as defined in the currently selected Job Creation preset.
  • Advanced: Click to open the Advanced Print Wizard where you can manually set print options without using presets.
  • Print: Click to produce print output according to the settings.

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