Print Options

This section describes the Print Options, which is the first page of the Advanced Print Wizard as well as from the Output Creation Settings preset..

  • Printer group:
    • Model: Use the drop-down to select the model with which the output will be generated. Output models include PDF, AFP, PCL, PPML, PostScript and TIFF with various quality settings. They must be activated in the Print (Available Printers) Preferences.
    • Add digital signature (PDF Only): Click to activate the PDF Digital Signature Options.
  • Output Type:
    • Prompt for file name: Select to output to a local file on the hard drive. When this option is selected, no other configuration is necessary. However, a Save As dialog appears whenever output is produced from the Designer module.
    • Directory: Select to output to a local folder on the machine.
      • Job Output Mask: The name of the file that will output. You can use ${template} as a variable for the name of the Designer Template used to generate the output.
      • Job Output Folder: The path on the disk where the file is produced. Please note that the folder must exist, or output will fail when produced through the server.
    • LPR Queue: Select to send the print job to an LPR queue. It is assumed that the print technology is supported by the system receiving the LPR job.
      • Local Printer: The IP or host name of the printer or machine where the LPD is installed and will receive
      • Queue Name: The queue name that will accept the job on the LPD. Default is generally "auto".
    • Windows Printer: Select to send the Print Job to a Printer Queue. The job is rendered as a PDF before being printed through the Windows driver.
      • Windows Printer: Use the drop-down to select the windows printer queue where the job will be sent.
      • PDF Rendering Options (PDF files only):
        • Auto-rotate and center: Check to automatically select the page orientation that best matches the content and paper.
        • Choose paper source by page size: Check to use the PDF page size to determine the output tray rather than the page setup option. This option is useful for printing PDFs that contain multiple page sizes on printers that have different-sized output trays.
        • Scale:
          • None: Select to not scale any page, whether it fits or not.
          • Expand to printable area: Select to expand any page to fit the page area. Pages larger than the paper size are not resized.
          • Shrink to printable area: Select to shrink any page to fit the page area. Pages smaller than the paper size are not resized.
  • Production Options:
    • Booklet Imposition: Check to tell the printer to generate a booklet for the print output. This option is disabled unless a centered staple saddle stitch is selected in the Section Properties' finishing.
    • Cut and Stack Imposition: Check to enable Cut & Stack Imposition, which is set in the Imposition and Repetition page.
    • Add Insert marks group: Check to enable inserter mark functionality, which is set in the Inserter Marks page.
    • Print virtual stationery: Check to enable virtual stationery features in the output.
    • Separation: Check to activate the Separation Options page of the wizard.
    • Add text and barcodes: Check to activate the Text and Barcode Options page of the wizard.
  • Copies group:
    • Copies: Enter the number of copies for each record.
    • Collate: Check to collate all page numbers together (1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3, etc)

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