Sorting Options

The sorting options page is used to sort the records in the output. Sorting is done from the top to the bottom, one after the other.

Sorting Settings

  • Use standard sort: Sort using the fields below:
    • Field Name: Use the drop-down to select which field to sort on.
    • Order: Use the drop-down to choose Ascending or Descending.
    • Add: Click to add a new row to the sort list. The list that appears contains all the fields in the Data Model, as well as a special <Document Length> option which is used to sort by the number of pages in each document.
    • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected row in the list.
    • Move up: Click to move the currently selected row up in the list.
    • Move down: Click to move the currently selected row down in the list.
  • Use external sort: Sort the records using an external sorting software. A CSV file is exported, sorted by the external application and the sorted CSV file is returned and integrated, with the records now sorted according to the new order in the CSV file.
    • Command: Enter the full path to the executable that will sort the CSV file.
    • Separator: Enter the field separator used in the CSV file, such as a comma (,), pipe (|), semicolon (;), etc.
    • Quote Character: Enter the quoting character that wraps around any field that contains the separator.
    • Escape Character: Enter the character use to escape the Quote character if it appears in the field value.
    • Line Ending: Use the drop-down to select which line ending to use: Windows (CRLF), Linux (LF) or Mac (CR).
    • Character Set: Use the drop-down to select which character set to use when encoding the CSV file.
    • Fields to export: Lists the fields to export in the CSV file. Click the left arrow button to add a field or the right arrow to remove the field from the list.
    • Available Fields: Lists the fields available in the selected data mapping configuration that can be used to sort the records.

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