Automation Object

Returns a ScriptableAutomation object encapsulating the properties of the PlanetPress Workflow process that triggered the current operation.


The following table lists the properties of the Automation object.

Property Type Description
JobInfo ScriptableAutomationProperty Returns a ScriptableAutomation object containing JobInfo 1 to 9 values from PlanetPress Workflow
Properties ScriptableAutomationProperty Returns a ScriptableAutomation object containing additional information (file name, process name and task ID) from PlanetPress Workflow
Variables ScriptableAutomationProperty Returns a ScriptableAutomation object containing the list of local and global variables defined by the user in PlanetPress Workflow to the DataMapper. Note that there is no way to distinguish local variables from global ones (local variables take precedence over global variables). To be used in the DataMapper, variables must have already been defined in the Preprocessor step as Automation variables. The Preprocessor step attempts to match variable names passed by the Workflow process to those defined inside the step.


The variable used from Workflow must first be declared in the Preprocessor step:

See The Preprocessor Step Properties for more information.

The Type of the variable must be the same as the variable from Workflow.

Accessing Automation Properties

To access JobInfo 1 to 9 from Workflow:


To access ProcessName, OriginalFilename or TaskIndex from Workflow:;

To access variables declared in the Preprocessor properties (see picture above):


  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:48 AM