Float Data Type

Floats are signed, numeric, floating-point numbers whose value has 15-16 significant digits. Routinely used for calculations. Note that floats are inherently imprecise: their accuracy varies according to the number of significant digits being requested.

Defining Float Values

  • Pre-Processor: Specify the "Type" as "Float" and set a default value as a number with decimal points, such as 546513.8798463;
  • Extraction: Specify the "Type" as "Float". The field value will be extracted and treated as a float.
  • JavaScript Expression: Set the desired value to any float value.
    Example: record.fields["PreciseTaxSubtotal"] = 27.13465;

Building Float Values

Float values can be the result of direct attribution or mathematical operations just like Integer values.

  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:48 AM