Fonts Manager
The Fonts Manager contains the fonts that were added to the template
manually. It essentially lists the fonts located in the Fonts
folder of the Resources pane (see Fonts).
Fonts with the same file name with a different extension are considered variations of the same font. For example, if there are three files, named gotham-book-webfont.eot, gotham-book-webfont.ttf,
gotham-book-webfont.woff, only "gotham-book-webfont" appears
in the Name column of this dialog.
The following buttons appear to the right of the list of fonts:
- New: Click to open the
Edit Font dialog to add a new font.
- Edit: Click to open the
Edit Font dialog to edit the currently
selected font.
- Remove: Click to delete
the currently selected font entry.
- Duplicate: Click to create
a copy of the currently selected font entry.
Edit Font
The Edit Font dialog appears when clicking New or Edit from the Fonts
- Name: Enter the name that should be used to refer to the
font. This is equivalent to the
font-family property
of the @font-face CSS rule (see
- Font Weight: Use the drop-down
to select the default font
weight (the thickness, see
- None: Does not define
the property.
- Normal: Defines font-weight
as normal
- Bold: Defines the font-weight
as bold (equivalent to a numerical value of 700).
- Numerical values: Defines
the line thickness; 400 is normal, 700 is bold.
- Font Style: Use the drop-down
to select the font style (see
- None: Does not define
the property.
- Normal: Defines font-style
as normal
- Italic: Makes the font
- Oblique: Makes the
font oblique (this is generally the same as italic but does
not require a special italic version of the font).
- Name: Check the fonts in
the list to include them in the font definition.